Zsuzsa Hetényi

Affiliated Senior Fellow
Period of Stay: 
October 2020 - June 2021
Culture Studies
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Project Title: 
“The Unfinished Past.” The Legacy of Shimon Markish, Founder of Russian-Jewish Studies
Project Abstract: 

My aim is to compile and edit an e-book of essays on Russian-Jewish culture by Shimon Markish (1931–2003). Markish was the first to outline and define the corpus of texts he named “Russian-Jewish” literature, founding the forceful branch of Jewish Transcultural Studies. Markish was linked to Hungary, to Budapest, to the CEU with many ties. Besides writing an introduction to the volume, I plan an essay on his illegal not-returning to Hungary in 1974 based on documents. The contents of the planned electronic volumes will be arranged chronologically, according to the biography’s timeline. A theoretical introduction will be followed by three texts on the “founding fathers” (Osip Rabinovich, Lev Levanda, Grigory Bogrov), then by articles on Vladimir Jabotinsky, Isaac Babel, Ilya Ehrenburg, Vasily Grossman, Miklós Radnóti, Friedrich Gorenstein, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky. Several thematic articles complete the book e.g. on religious ecstasy or eroticism in Russian-Jewish Literature. The second part of the publication will consist of selections from Markish’s lecture series that aired on Radio Free Europe’s Russian language broadcast.