Fellowships at IAS CEU
The Institute for Advanced Study CEU offers residential fellowships to highly accomplished senior and promising young scholars seeking to spend 3-9 months in an interdisciplinary intellectual community of their peers while pursuing their own research.
Below are the brief descriptions of the fellowships we offer each year. We publish calls for application with the precise terms of each fellowship for the relevant academic year on our website while the applications are open. Please note that the fellowship applications are evaluated through a rigorous peer review process and the final decision is made by our independent Selection Committee. The only criterion for selection is the excellence of the proposed research and the track record of the applicant. Our fellowships are highly competitive.
Junior and Senior Core Fellowships
This is our core fellowship program. Senior and Junior Core fellows spend 3-9 months in Budapest and pursue their own research. They receive a stipend and accommodation at the Raoul Wallenberg Guesthouse from the Institute.
Artist in Residence Fellowship
IAS CEU offers one Writer in Residence fellowship and one Visual Artist in Residence fellowship. These two residential fellowships (up 5 months each with a minimum stay of 3 months) are offered on a competitive basis to writers and visual artists who relate in innovative and convincing ways to the annual theme, in creative writing (such as poetry, prose, drama, screen and playwriting) and in various visual media, including film and digital applications.
Budapest Open Society Fellowship on the topic of Illiberal Times and Spaces
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS CEU), together with the Democracy Institute (DI) and the Blinken OSA Archivum (OSA) at the Budapest site of CEU, is pleased to launch their third joint call for applications for the Budapest Open Society Fellowship program (formerly: Joint Budapest Fellowship). The new call for applications for the academic year 2025/26 focuses on the topic of Illiberal Times and Spaces.
In various capacities, the Democracy Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study and the Open Society Archive are engaged in a multi-year research, teaching, and public program series on issues related to historical revisionism. The present call focuses on the ways current trends of illiberalism are reshaping the temporal and spatial frameworks of societies.
Fellowships in this program are available in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities, broadly defined and for artists of all fields of practice. Fellowships run for the full 9-month period (October-June), for the 3-month short fall semester (October-December), the 5-month fall semester (October-February) or the 6-month spring semester (January-June).
Affiliated Fellowships at IAS CEU
Each year we host a couple of affiliated fellows at IAS CEU. Affiliated fellows typically use their own external fellowships to spend their research period, or parts thereof, at IAS CEU. The minimum stay is 3 months. Affiliated fellows do not receive a stipend and may or may not receive housing from the Institute. Researchers interested in this option should send an email to ias_applications@ceu.edu.