Mohammad Hassan Khani

Senior Global Challenges Fellow
Period of Stay: 
February-June 2016
Politics & Islamic Studies
Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran
Project Title: 
Regional Integration as a Means for Lasting Peace & Sustainable Development in the Middle East
Project Abstract: 

From emergence of ancient civilizations in pre-history era to the dawn of early 21st century in contemporary history, the world has witnessed a variety of ways according to which members of international community tried to solve their disputes and find peaceful solutions for their conflicts. However a very recent mechanism which proved to be fruitful is moving towards integration and convergence within the region they belong to. Defining and drawing the lines common interests is the first step in this long road. It is the objective of this project/paper to explore that how moving towards regional integration based on geographical closeness, cultural interaction, and economic cooperation can create the framework for a less divided Middle East leading to a new regional subsystem in international system which is more united and more harmonized somehow similar to that of EU today. The article also investigates how EU both as a model and as a facilitator can contribute to this process, paving the way for reconciliation and mutual understanding, and partnership between Islam and West in general, and helping the Middle Eastern nations to build their own transnational institution and structures in particular. The paper finally evaluates the challenges facing this approach from an Iranian perspective and makes a few suggestions.

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