Jasmina Lukic

CEU Faculty Fellow
Literature and Gender Studies
Central European University
Project Title: 
Transnational Literature and European Women’s Writing
Project Abstract: 

In the last two decades the concept of transnational literature gained importance in literary theory, offering a new interpretative framework which is particularly important in addressing works of migrant writers, and of minority and minor literatures.In this research the concept of transnational literature is applied to Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav literatures as an interpretative framework which allows for an understanding the shared experiences and the common histories. This research proposes re-appropriation of the term 'Yugoslav literature' interpreting it beyond politically heated debates over the borders of national literatures, and explores the common denominators for post-Yugoslav literary practice, which shares an awareness of the common history. More generally, it focuses on theoretical and critical implications for literary histories and literary canons of the introduction of the concept of transnational literature. This involves critical discussion of the history of the concept and its current uses, which are quite diverse. Being focused on migrant women writers, these diversities are used to indicate differences between various literary and cultural contexts which call for transnational perspective (like it is the case with Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav literatures).