Emel Akcali

CEU Faculty Fellow
International Relations
Central European University
Project Title: 
The Limits of Neo-liberal Governmentality and the Emerging Post-Neo-Liberal State in the Arab World: the case of Tunisia
Project Abstract: 

Social upheavals for freedom, social justice and dignity in the Arab world occurred at a particular time when liberal democracies of Europe are facing challenges due to the global economic crises and rising populist nationalism. Hence, while there are clear indications of misgivings of neo-liberalism in the West and neo-liberal models that are being exported to other regions of the world, the Islamist ruling parties in the Arab world, namely in Egypt and Tunisia seek alternatives beyond the neo-liberal model. Drawing upon the data that will be gathered in a two stage ethnographic field-work in April and July in 2013 in Tunisia, this project aims to scrutinize the political structure that has emerged from within the Tunisian society which acted as the precursor of the Arab revolutions and understand whether this emerging structure can be qualified as an example of postneoliberalism.

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