Anna Prokhorova
In my previous research activities, I was lucky to participate in oral history projects collecting testimonies of the Revolution of Dignity participants (approximately 400 in-depth interviews) and testimonies of the Russian-Ukrainian war since 2014 participants (100 in-depth interviews). After the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, most of these people participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war in one way or another: some were on the frontlines, some were volunteers, and so on. I find it extremely interesting to conduct longitudinal interviews with these people about how their life trajectories have developed since our previous meetings. This should be a fascinating material from the methodological point of view. Especially if we take into consideration that I, as an interviewer, will not need to build contact with these people from the very beginning. Instead, we have had warm contacts from previous interviews. Thus, within the framework of this project, I suggest conducting a series of longitudinal interviews with the most interesting (from the analytical perspective) participants of the Revolution of Dignity or the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, who after the start of the full-scale invasion became active participants in these new historical events.
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