The music industry's long way from Napster to Spotify

Open to the Public
Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 12:45pm
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Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 12:45pm to 1:30pm

The advent of the Internet and digitalization started the process of restructuring in the music industry. Galuszka's research analyzes the changes that have been taking place within the music industry over the last 15 years, including music delivery via the pay–per–download model (iTunes), the subscription model (Spotify) and the advertising model (YouTube). His research analyzes the emergence of so-called “new music industries,” including netlabels, crowdfunding platforms, remix communities, for-profit music distribution websites like Bandcamp or Soundcloud, and the like. Contrary to the “old music industry”, large parts of the new music industries have a generally more progressive approach to copyright law, often releasing records under Creative Commons licenses that encourage works to be shared and remixed. Additionally, their organizational form is often different from that of market enterprise and includes non-profits, co-ops, virtual labels and communities, etc. The presentation concludes with questions about the future of the “old” and “new” music industries.