Asia Tsisar
"Taking the Train to the East" is an exploratory artistic research endeavor that embodies a profound personal journey through the heart of Eastern and Central Europe. This nomadic project unfolds over 2 years, during which the concept of home is reimagined through the lens of continuous movement and cultural immersion. Traveling through Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Germany, and Turkey, dedicating approximately one month to each country, this journey is not just a physical traversal of geographic boundaries but an introspective voyage that probes the depths of human experience in diverse cultural contexts. Living out of a suitcase, the project delves into the effects of a life lived in perpetual motion, challenging the very notion of belonging and identity.The resultant output is a rich tapestry of essays and experimental texts that transcend traditional literary and academic genres. These works strive to articulate the ineffable qualities of the journey, critiquing the ability of conventional reportage, personal travel narratives, and scholarly papers to fully capture or convey an "objective" reality. By pushing the boundaries of genre, "Taking the Train to the East" invites readers to question their perceptions of culture, place, and the self, offering a perspective on the complexities of understanding and representing lived experiences across varying landscapes.