Film screening and artist talk - Hynek Alt, Laura Erber, Peng Zuqiang

May 11, 2022
Hynek Alt (CZ), Laura Erber (BR), and Peng Zuqiang (CN) are current fellows at the artist in residence program of Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of the Central European University. The film screenings will be followed by an artist talk that will aim at examining potential interconnections between the videoworks and the artists’ current research.
The roundtable will be moderated by Zsolt Miklósvölgyi, editor-in-chief of the ArtPortal online art magazine.
The event is organized by The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at Central European University and Trafó Gallery.
Hynek Alt (1976, Kutna Hora) is a visual artist whose artistic interest shifts between photography, video, object, and installation. He is concerned with forms of perception of the human in the current digital era and the navigation between physical surroundings and constructed social systems. Since 2017 he is head of the Studio of New Aesthetics at FAMU, Prague. From 2008 to 2016 Hynek Alt was head of the photography studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, together with Aleksandra Vajd. His work has been shown at Fotograf Gallery, Futura Gallery, Rudolfinum and the National Gallery in Prague; House of Art, Česke Budějovice; Škuc Gallery Ljubljana; Plato, Ostrava; Graz Galerie Fait, Brno; Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo and Mumok, Vienna among others.
Laura Erber (1979, Rio de Janeiro) is an artist and writer. Her work is motivated by a constant urge to renegotiate the verbal and the visual experience. She is particularly interested in mapping the boundaries between imagination, memory, and history. Her visual artwork has been shown in various museums and art centers, such as Fondació Miró, Barcelona; IASPIS, Stockholm; Jeu de Paume, Grand Palais, the European House of Photography in Paris, and the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, amongst others. She also worked as an illustrator for Le Monde Diplomatique in Brazil, and she collaborates regularly as a literary critic for Brazilian newspapers and cultural magazines. Her books have been published in Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Portugal, France, Romania, and Albania. Her most recent publication is the collection of essays on Brazilian art titled The Unproductive Artist ( yiné Publishers). She is also the co-founder and editor of Zazie Edições, an independent, non-profit publisher, disseminating critical theory texts in Portuguese using an open-access model.
Peng Zuqiang (1992, Changsha, China) is an artist who makes video, film, and installation, with an attention to the affective qualities within histories, bodies, and language, approximating meanings through associations and coincidences. Recent exhibitions and screenings include Cell Project Space, London; Times Art Center, Berlin; Antenna-tenna, Shanghai; Antimatter, Victoria, CA; IDFA, Amsterdam; UCCA, Beijing; Open City Documentary Festival, London, and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. He received a ‘Special Mentions’ at the Festival Film Dokumenter in Yogyakarta, Indonesia with his first feature film, Nan (2020).
Film list:
Hynek Alt: Untitled (Spejbl, ketamine), digital animation, 2020.
Peng Zuqiang: keep in touch (single channel version), HD video and Super 8 transferred to HD, 2021.
Laura Erber: The Sertão Notebook (Diário do Sertão), 35mm film, 2003.
Hynek Alt: Untitled (Spejbl, ketamine), 3D animation, 90 min loop, 2020. Installation view How Soon Is Now, NoD Gallery, Prague, 2020
Supported by: Cseh Centrum, Central European University
