On the 23rd of January Jan-Werner Mueller delivered a lecture which pulled in a full house at IAS and CEU As the Princeton political scientist addressed head-on a pressing issue of today: ‘Is Christian Democracy Illiberal?’ Professor Mueller’s lecture took place as part of the Institute for Advanced Study annual gathering of its Academic Advisory Board.
Out now: new volume on contemporary Hungarian politics features prominent IAS alumni and members of the IAS Academic Advisory Board.
The 'Brave New Hungary: Mapping the System of 'National Cooperation'' (Lexington Books, 2019) focuses on the rise of a “brave new” semi-authoritarian regime led by Viktor Orbán, who made a decisive contribution to the transformation of a poorly managed liberal democracy to a well-organized authoritarian rule during the past decade.
IAS CEU is delighted to share that the results of the first round of applications for projects within the Consturctive Advanced Thinking (CAT) initiative will be announced in early January. The CAT is a joint initiative by the NetIAS (Network of Institutes for Advanced Study) is designed to foster interdisciplinary research teams of young promising individuals wishing to address emergent societal issues with fresh ideas.
PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács, former Senior Botstiber Fellow for Transatlantic Relationships at IAS, has recently won the 2019 “Regensburg Prize for Women in Academia and the Arts” [Regensburger Preis für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst]. The 15.000 Euro prize is awarded to female researchers at one of the city’s three universities, on the basis of "outstanding academic works for the accomplishment of the highest qualification level of the respective university.”