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IAS CEU Senior Core Fellow Tyrell Haberkorn co-authored an opinion piece titled Thailand must free student hunger strikers now in Nikkei Asia.
IAS CEU is delighted to congratulate its 2020/21 Senior Core Fellow Róbert Somos on publishing his book Órigenész, Zsoltárhomíliák.
Two IAS Senior Core Fellows contributed with their chapters to the Routledge Book of Dehumanization (ed.
IAS Thyssen Fellow István Pál Ádám published an article Budapest Butchers, the Jewish Question, and Holocaust Survivors in the Hungarian Historical Review Vol 9, Issue 3, 491-511.
IAS Thyssen Felllow Larissa Buchholz published an article Art markets in crisis: how personal bonds and market subcultures mediate the effects of COVID-19 (co-authored with Gary Fine and Hannah Wohl) in the American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 8(3), 462-476.