IAS Fellow Yuka Kadoi wins Elise Richter Grant

December 13, 2022

Warmest congratulations to IAS CEU Senior Core Fellow Yuka Kadoi on her winning the Elise Richter Grant, one of the prestigious grants awarded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), to undertake a 4-year research project on an entangled history of art in early 20th century Central Europe. This special grant encourages highly qualified senior female scientists to pursue an academic career in Austria and abroad. Together with her previous award (Lise Meitner Grant), she would take up two of the distinguished FWF awards named after Vienna-born female scientists who lost their academic positions due to antisemitic measures designed to exclude people of Jewish origin from public life in the 1930s. While Meitner was able to maintain a career on exile (though felt deeply regret about her involvement with atomic research in her later years), Richter was denied access to public life after the Anschluss and deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, where she perished in 1943. IAS CEU congratulates its fellow on her outstanding achievements. 

