New publications by the IAS Affiliated Fellow Zsuzsa Hetényi

July 6, 2021

The period from October 1, 2020 to the end of June, 2021 has been especially productive for the IAS Affiliated Fellow Zsuzsa Hetényi. Zsuzsa prepared several important publications in Russian, English, German and Hungarian, gave interviews and commentaries, finalized an encyclopedia entry. IAS CEU is delighted to celebrate this remarkable achievement by listing all of them here.

1. The project on the legacy of Shimon Markish

Unvanished Past. Collected Works by Shimon Markish. Edited by Zsuzsa Hetényi (in Russian with forewords, commentaries, footnotes, biography, and bibliography, 2020).

Neproshedshee proshloe. Sobranie Sochinenii Shimona Markisha

Vol. 1. Antiquity. 474 pp. 2020

Vol. 2. Erasmus and his Age. 419 pp. 2021

Vol 3. Russian-Jewish literature of the 19th century (longer articles). 381 pp. 2021

Vol. 4. Russian-Jewish literature of the 19th century (essays). 339 pp. 2021

Vol. 5 Russian-Jewish literature of the 19th century (longer articles). 361 pp. 2021

The piece on the history of the archive, published in the Russian internet portal Colta (in Russian), can be found here

Zsuzsa gave an interview to the Radio Liberty on the occassion of the 90th birthday of Shimon Markish. The transcript of the interview can be read here.

Finally, Zsuzsa prepared and edited the entry on Shimon Markish in WikiWand. It can be accessed here.  

2. Other publications

The next achievement is the piece The Texture of Type: Nabokov’s Sensory Perception of Alphabetical Letters: The Semanticized Graphic Form published in Scando-Slavica, Vol 66, Issue 2. 

Zsuzsa has also translated the novel by Vladimir Nabokov Pnin, published by Helikon in April 2021.

The piece Antroponym as a Narrative Device Problematizing the Identity of the Author and his Character (V. Nabokov and V. Shklovsky in Berlin) was published in At the Crossroads of the East and West: the problem of Borderzone in Russian and Central European Cultures. Ed. by Zs. Hetényi, N. Zlydneva. Moscow, IS RAS, 2021. 488 p.

The piece Mit Cholera in Odessa. Sowjetische Abendteuer einer Ungarin ohne Kommunistische Erziehung was published in German in Lettre Internationale, Berlin, 28–32, the Summer Issue.

The piece Egy többnyelvű műfordítói műhely tapasztalatai. A MűMű és a Pofon was published in Hungarian in Iránytű az egyetemi fordítóképzéshez.

Finally, the piece Переводить с двух оригиналов: гибридизация при переводе Набокова was published in Russian in Семантизация – Концептуализация – Смысл. Сборник в честь 80-летия Профессора Ежи Фарыно, Ed. Roman Bobryk, Сергей Гончаров, Siedlce 2021.
